
Gay Head Lighthouse/Aquinnah Cliffs

The National Trust for Historic Preservation recently named the Gay Head Lighthouse one of America’s 11 Most Endangered Places®. The Gay Head Lighthouse is open seasonally. A lighthouse keeper will be available and the doors will be open during designated hours. Parking is available, but limited, on Aquinnah Circle. The Vineyard Transit Authority (VTA) busses do have routes to the lighthouse.

A National Historic Landmark, the spectacular Aquinnah Cliffs are part of the Wampanoag Reservation land. These dramatically striated walls of red clay are the island’s major attraction, as evidenced by the tour bus–filled parking lot. Native American crafts and food shops line the short approach to the overlook, from which you can see the Elizabeth Islands to the northeast across Vineyard Sound and Noman’s Land Island—a wildlife preserve—3 miles off the Vineyard’s southern coast.

Posted June 19, 2014 in: by admin

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